All private preschools, ECD centres may open immediately


Monday, July 6, 2020

The Department of Social Development says it has noted the High Court ruling on Monday that all private preschools and Early Childhood Development centres (ECD) may open with immediate effect, provided they maintain safety measures.

The Solidarity Occupational Guild for Social Workers and the Solidarity Support Centre for Schools (SCS) filed a case against the department because it said no indication was given regarding a specific date for the reopening of these institutions.

Gauteng High Court Judge Hans Fabricius ruled in favour of the two organisations, declaring the closure of these institutions under level 3 unlawful and unconstitutional.

The judge ordered Minister Lindiwe Zulu to pay the legal costs related to the matter.

“We are delighted with the ruling. It means thousands of parents will be able to place their children in the care of their competent teachers again for the stimulation and learning that children so desperately need.

“What is even more reassuring is that these children will now be in a safe environment again and that the children dependent on feeding schemes will once again be able to learn and develop optimally with food in their stomachs,” said Marisa Engelbrecht, sector head of the Solidarity Occupational Guild for Social Workers.

The department said it would make a further statement once it has fully studied the judgment. –

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