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Resource Description

This test is worth 40 marks and CAPS aligned.

  • Vraag 1: begripstoets (15)
  • Vraag 2: Visuele Teks (10)
  • Vraag 3: Opsomming (5)
  • Vraag 4: Taalwerk (10)

Test is PDF format. Test does NOT state cognitive levels.

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Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 7 ratings )

Barret's taxonomy

Is there a distribution of the level of questions (Barret's taxonomy) available for the Grade 5 and 6 Afrikaans FAL June examination memorandums? Is there a different Summary sections available? CAPS requires a different text for the summary section. It cannot be the same as the comprehension section.

Stephanie Niewenhuis - April 22, 2024

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