
Resource Description

This is a complete 90-minute lesson dedicated to the Black History Month. February is Black History Month. This month-long observance in the US and Canada is a chance to celebrate Black achievement and provide a fresh reminder to take stock of where systemic racism persists and give visibility to the people and organizations creating change.

African Americans have played a central role in shaping U.S. history. From slavery and its abolition to the Great Migration, the civil rights movement and military, scientific, cultural and political achievements, explore key moments, milestones and figures in Black History.

The lesson is largely based on the video ‘Origins of Black History Month’ (link provided).

In this lesson, you will find activities that practice all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing). For the writing activities, there are suggested answers provided, so as to be used as samples.

The lesson is ideal for classroom use or for home study.

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