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Resource Description

Hierdie is al die drukbare hulpmiddels wat jy benodige om jou BONUS video oor my Liggaam interaktief aan te bied. Om selfvertrou vir lees op te bou, is dit goed dat die kinders vroeg reeds die gevoel kry dat hulle eenvoudige woorde en sinne kan lees. Dit is na afloop van al die klank vaslegging. Analise en sintese moet ook deeglik plaasvind, tydens die lees van die woorde. Vir elke video in die reeks is daar ook ‘n drukbare weergawe beskikbaar vir juffrou se gerief. Die video sowel as werkkaart kan ook op hulle eie benut word.

Here are some resources for the BONUS English video about My body. This video is all about reading words, and sentences about My body. It is important to build the kid’s self-confidence by giving them the tools to read simple well-known words. If they can read these words, they will be able to put together and repeat easy sentences. It is important that they are well aware that they must read to understand. By asking short simple questions, the teacher can test the kid’s knowledge.


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