Natural science Grade 6 Term 1 test
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Resource Description
Section A:
Question 1: Choose the correct option for each of the questions. (10)
1.1. What dust, inside the plant’s leaves, gives it its green color?
(a) Oxygen
b) Chlorophyll
c) Carbon dioxide (1×2)
1.2. What food group helps your body grow and build muscle?
a) Vitamins and minerals
b) Carbohydrates
(c) Protein (1×2)
1.3. What food group gives us energy?
a) Vitamins and minerals
b) Carbohydrates
(c) Protein (1×2)
1.4. What disease causes your bones to become weak and break easily?
a) Rickets
b) Constipation
c) Obesity (1×2)
1.5. Food is stored in a special liquid so that it can last longer.
a) Canning
b) Brine
c) Fermentation (1×2)