
Resource Description

The Human Skeleton:


·       A paper skeleton is going to be given to you.

·       Cut out the different parts of the human skeleton.

·       Put the parts together. Make sure the parts can still move.

·       Write the name of each part on the back.

·       Make sure the parts are secured in the correct places.

·       Write your name somewhere on the back of the skeleton.

·       Works neatly.



0 points

1-5 points

5-10 points

1-15 points

15-20 points

Limbs are fixed in the correct place and are structured according to a human skeleton. Learner was innovative in the way the skull was put together. Each section can move.

No indication of a human skeleton or limbs.

Partial attempt to structure limbs, but no indication of maneuverability.

Limbs are positioned correctly, but mobility is limited.

Limbs are positioned correctly and can move partially.

All limbs are positioned correctly and can move, with any degree of innovation in the composition of the skeleton.

Each section is correctly named.

(Item 1/2)

No attempt at nomination of sections.

Partial nomination, with a few sections correctly identified.

Most sections correctly named but with a few errors.

Almost all of the passages are correctly named, with few errors.

All passages correctly named without errors.

Skeleton is neat. Neatly cut out and put together. (Item 1/2)

Skeleton was cut and/or assembled disorderly.

Skeleton is partially neat, but with obvious deficiencies in cut or composition.

Skeleton is neatly cut and put together, but exhibits some sloppiness.

Skeleton is mostly neatly cut and assembled, with little sloppiness.

Skeleton is extremely neatly cut and put together, with no discernible sloppiness.

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