
Resource Description

Need an activity for teaching or practicing number bonds to 10 with pictures that will help students to understand the concept better? These easy to use 1st grade Number Bonds Worksheets are great for helping students to visualize numbers and understand how to decompose the numbers 7-10. The simple pictures in these printable math worksheets will help children to develop their numbers sense and grasp the number bonds concept.
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I have done all the hard work for you! All you need to do is print these no prep worksheets and use them!
This fun Number Bonds Worksheets set includes:
  • Clickable contents for easy navigation
  • Teacher information
  • Printable worksheets in colour and black and white
  • Answer key
Try out my FREE Number Bonds Worksheets for Number 6 and see what you think!
Thank you so much,
Colleen Schwartz

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