Pizza Paradise – Dramatic Play
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Resource Description
Elevate the learning journey with this fun-filled, printable dramatic play set that transforms playtime into an enriching educational experience, helping your little learner to:
– Develop essential fine motor skills needed for drawing and writing later on with lots of cutting, pasting a tracing practice.
– Explore imaginative role-playing and developing social skills while building beginner knowledge about money, baking and shop keeping.
Designed by a home schooling mom for home schooling moms, Pizza Paradise garuntees you and your little one hours of fun and imaginitive learning time together.
** Please note that your little learner should be able to count to twenty, and recognise the number symbols 1-20 in order to get the best use out of this play set.
If they’re not there yet, please consider purchasing “Numbers & Bugs” and working through the book first. You can also grab some free printable posters for daily counting practice.