WHERE’D YOU GET THAT DINOSAUR? A classroom read to teach and entertain
Resource Description
This classroom read tells of the time-travel adventures of four children, living in the mysterious, fossil-rich Karoo region of South Africa. They travel into the past with a magic stone, and have a series of amazing adventures and experiences, which incorporate and introduce novel information on palaeontology, archaeology, natural history, and social history, including CAPS content and topics. My objective is for learners to learn unaware as they are being entertained, and to engender an understanding and love of the natural world (past and present), and of how scientists unravel the past.
The story in brief: Sam and Pieter are hunting for fossils, when Sam finds a magic stone which whisks them to the Permian period in the Karoo region of South Africa. They then visit the Jurassic, and after Maylee rescues a dinosaur egg, end up hatching it on their farm. Sunny (who is a carnivorous dinosaur) is both a blessing and a hazard, and the children struggle to keep her safe and secret. They travel next to the Middle Stone Age of the Karoo to try to solve a mystery, get hunted by a sabre-tooth cat, and end up saving saving a lost, little hunter-gatherer girl. When they meet Professor Gamal in their local museum, they discover their magic stone may be an ancient Egyptian amulet, and travel to ancient Egypt, unaware that their amulet is one which Prof. Gamal has sought all his life, and will stop at nothing to get.