Why is it important for teachers to continue professional development?
This is a topic that will no doubt cause you to sigh and possibly even groan…
Professional development is most often viewed in a negative light and causes feelings of resentment for its demands on one’s time and sometimes finances. But it is a good thing for us all. The best possible teacher in every classroom coupled with the best quality of teaching ensures the success of every child, which then directly relates to the success of the community. Whether we like it or not, professional development is the strategy to accomplish this.
Read on for five reasons why it is important for us to continuously develop ourselves as professionals.
1. The complexity of teaching
The complexity of teaching is great. Many educators leave the profession within the first 3-5 years. We are continually faced with the challenges of changes in subject content, changes in the laws, advances in technology, new teaching methods, changes in administration and student learning needs. Educators who do not engage in professional development can easily feel at sea – not a fun place to be.
2. Teachers learn better ways to teach
Through professional development we can implement new teaching strategies that better suit the needs of learners.
New teachers have an overwhelming number of issues to face each day. Left to themselves, new teachers may develop unsuitable practices. But, through professional development, they can learn more effective ways to meet these challenges. Veteran teachers are not exempt and will find professional development worthwhile in helping to meet the ongoing changes and advancements in education.
3. Teachers develop better organisational and planning skills
Professional development goes a long way in helping educators in time management and planning of the various administration and out of classroom duties. This ultimately has the effect of making us more efficient, allowing extra time to focus on our learners.
We are exposed to new methods and strategies for those administration tasks that we all don’t like and find so time consuming.
4. Teachers gain knowledge
We are expected to be experts on the subjects we teach and able to answer any and every question that learners ask. Professional development allows us to expand our knowledge base giving us more confidence and insight into the subjects we teach. This also helps us to remain interested and interesting.
We also gain new knowledge through exchanging our knowledge and ideas with other teachers. Senior teachers can become mentors to new teachers and new teachers are able to share the latest in teaching techniques for the best outcome.
And lastly but by no means least…
5. Learners gain better learning outcomes
The best quality of teaching secures the best outcome for each learner. Their learning needs are understood and effectively addressed. Educators are kept abreast with each changing generation’s needs in the way they learn and relate to their world. This is particularly relevant to technology and social fields.
Professional development is essential for both teacher and learner. To this end we at SACE Points Guide have put together a variety of professional development opportunities. There is an option to meet your requirement of ongoing skills and best practice development.