Afrikaans Huistaal Gr 7 Eindjaareksamen C1
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Vraestel 1: Mondeling – Hardoplees – Drama
Luister en praat – Praatjie
Vraestel 2:
Afdeling A – Begriplees
Visuele teks
Afdeling B – Taal in konteks
Teks 1 + 2
Afdeling C – Letterkunde
Poësie – Keuse vraag (x 2)
Prosa – Keuse vraag (x 2)
Vraestel 3: Opstel – Verhalende opstel
Transaksionele teks