Write A Story Called ‘Swim For Your Life’ (7-11 years)
This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers. Presented in a lively ‘magazine style’ format, these packs feature stories and non fiction texts to read.
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Resource Description
Write A Story Called ‘Swim For Your Life’ (7-11 years)
The child should write a story in three paragraphs, imagining that George’s dream came true. They should imagine that they are surfing in Australia, when suddenly they spot a black fin coming towards them. The child should use the story planner and examples to help them. They should consider different kinds of endings to their story.
Next, the child should use the vocabulary builder to think of impressive adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs to use in their story. For example, ‘hungry shark moves purposely
This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers. Presented in a lively ‘magazine style’ format, these packs feature stories and non fiction texts to read. They include follow up activities that will inspire even the most reluctant writer, to write stories, letters, play scripts, diaries, poems, persuasive leaflets and more. More than this, the child will learn writing techniques including: simple, compound and complex sentences – connectives, grammar tips – harder vocabulary and punctuation.
Aimed at 7-11 year olds, these work packs provide excellent writing practice for those children preparing to take examinations. They will also benefit children with special needs, or where English is a second language.
7 pages