
Resource Description

Formele Assessering Taak (gekontroleerde toets) vir kwartaal 4.
-Opgestel volgens aangepaste kurrikulum van 2021
– Bestaan uit 2 vraestelle (50 punte elk) – dokument is in Word formaat, dus kan dit 1 vraestel gemaak word uit 100 punte.
-Opgestel volgens Bloom se taksonomie se vlakke asook voorgeskrewe totale vir Finansiële Geletterdheid, Ekonomie en Entrepreneurskap (volgens ATP).

Formal Assessment Task (controlled test) for term 4.
– According to the adapted curriculum for 2021.
– Consist of 2 question papers (50 marks each) – document is in Word format, thus it can be made into 1 question paper of 100 marks.
– Drafted according to the levels of Blooms taxonomy and persentages for Financial literary, Economics and Entrepreneurship, as stipulated in ATP. 

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