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Resource Description

Geometry of straight lines and angles. Please note that the diagrams used in these activities and sketches are not drawn to scale. This resource contains posters, notes, flashcards, activities and memorandums for the activities. It is useful to use as revision. Once the topic has been discussed, the posters can be added to your classroom wall. The activities can then be used as revision or as class tests. The posters include: Geometry Definitions, Lines and points, angles and classifying angles. The flashcards include: Lines and points (two sets – definitions and diagrams) and classifying angles. The notes are on how to find and identify types of angles – with reasons. The activities include three mental math activities, two activities on complimentary and supplementary angles, an activity on identifying angles AND two activities on finding the missing angles. ALL activities have memorandums included. This resource is suitable for grades 7 – 12 for Mathematics AND Mathematical Literacy.

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