Grade 11 Geography (GEO) Term 1-4 Summaries (Via Afrika & FOCUS) – Noted Summaries
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Resource Description
Grade 11 Geography (GEO) Term 1-4 Summaries: These summaries are composed by combining the Via Afrika and FOCUS textbooks work with examples and supplementary notes by compiler (external party).
- Geographic information Systems [GIS]
- Aerial Photos; Orthophoto Maps; Satellite
- Measure of Bearing
- Landforms on a Map [Topographic]
- Atmosphere: Earth’s Energy Balance
- Atmosphere: Global Air Circulation
- Synoptic Weather map
- Africa: Weather & Climatic Zones
- Droughts + Desertification
- Geomorphology: Topography → horizontally layered rocks
- Geomorphology: Topography → inclined rocks
- Geomorphology: Topography → Massive ingeous rocks
- Geomorphology: Slopes
- Geomorphology: Mass Movements
- Developmental Geography
- Development Geography: Frameworks
- Developmental Geography: Trade + Development
- Developmental Geography: Development issues and challenges
- Developmental Geography: Role of development asistance
- Resources + Sustainability: use of resources
- Resources + Sustainability: Soil and soil erosion
- Resources + Sustainability: Conventional energy sources
- Resources + Sustainability: Nonconventional energy sources
- Resources + Sustainability: Energy management in South Africa