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Resource Description

This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation which explores the Grade 6 Social Sciences topic of Climate and vegetation.

This presentation includes:

  • Definitions of weather, climate and temperature
  • Examples of the climate, weather and temperature are provided of countries in South Africa and abroad
  • Hot, cold and mild temperatures and their locations around the glove
  • The effect of climate change on climate and vegetation (including a video)
  • Definition of a biome
  • Exploring the vegetation of Gauteng
  • Defining and describing the grasslands and applying it to places in South Africa.
  • Reviewing the other biomes including tropical rainforests, hot deserts, and coniferous forests
    • Describing the characteristics of these biomes as well as the climate and vegetation of each biome.
    • Discussion on deforestation and climate change
  • Human activities are described
  • Providing a research task for learners to explore the vegetation and climate of a country around the world which they will present to the class – this will allow learners to learn about the other required biomes.
  • KWL statement is included

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