
Resource Description

This product contains Term 1 – 4 summaries for Grade 9 Social Sciences (SS) (Geography) based on the Today textbook.
Summaries in English with comprehensive summaries with examples and supplementary notes by compiler (external party).

  • Chapter 1:  Contour lines (Mapwork)
  • Chapter 2:  Orthophoto & Topographic Maps (Mapwork)
  • Chapter 3:  Development issues
  • Chapter 4:  Influences on development
  • Chapter 5:  Opportunities for development
  • Chapter 6:  Weathering
  • Chapter 7:  Erosion and deposition
  • Chapter 8:  Human impact on soil erosion
  • Chapter 9:  Use of resources
  • Chapter 10:  Sustainable use of resources
  • Chapter 11:  Food resources


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