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Resource Description

Term 3 project for mathematics: Geometry

For this project learners create a pencil case (3D triangular prism).

  • Straight line geometry is used to construct a net by following step-by-step instructions. (vertical lines, horizontal lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, parallel lines)
  • 2D geometry is used by applying knowledge about triangles constructed in the net. (properties of triangles based on sides and angles, calculating angles and area)
  • 3D geometry is used to construct a 3D triangular prism shaped pencil case from cardboard by making use of the constructed net/template. (calculating volume, drawing 3D and following step-by-step instructions.)
  • Transformation geometry is used to draw translations and rotations of  triangles constructed in the net. (Enlargement and scale drawing using ratios)

Memorandum and Rubric included.

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