
Resource Description

NW en Teg Graad 6 Kwartaal 2 Assesseringspak: Praktiese Taak en Junie Eksamen Vraestel met Memo. Mini Hersiening

Word dokumente en een Powerpoint slide. Kan geredigeer word.










Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 11 ratings )

misleading/false advertising

The title of this resource is very misleading. The year mentioned in the title is 2024 but the resource is dated 2019.

Farren Jacobs - May 5, 2024

APOLOGIES for the misunderstanding. We updated our titles and neglected to update the specific dat on the paper .doc file.

Antjiesomers - November 30, -0001

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Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.