
Resource Description

Title: “Culinary Exploration: A Reading Adventure in Maltese Cuisine”




Embark on a delectable 40-minute reading lesson centered around the captivating world of Maltese cuisine and restaurants. The “Culinary Exploration” session is carefully designed to sharpen students’ ability to read for specific information while immersing them in the rich gastronomic tapestry of Malta.


1. **Introduction to Maltese Cuisine (8 minutes):**

Begin the lesson by introducing the subject of cuisine and restaurants, focusing on typical Maltese dishes. Showcase images of these culinary delights, prompting students to discuss and speculate on the ingredients. After lively discussions in the main room, unravel the secrets of each dish, fostering engagement and curiosity.


2. **Picture Guessing (5 minutes):**

Present a series of pictures related to Maltese cuisine, challenging students to guess the dish or ingredient depicted. This activity not only tests observational skills but also encourages vocabulary acquisition. Discuss answers in the main room, promoting a collaborative learning environment.


3. **Comprehension Task on Maltese Restaurants (10 minutes):**

Display images of typical Maltese restaurants and assign a comprehension task. Students individually answer questions related to the images, then compare their results in breakout rooms. Return to the main room to discuss findings, ensuring a thorough understanding of the visual content.


4. **Restaurant-related Questions and Pronunciation (10 minutes):**

Engage students with a set of questions related to the topic of restaurants. After answering individually, students compare results in breakout rooms. Return to the main room to collectively check answers, displaying them on the screen. Encourage individual students to pronounce and discuss the correct responses, reinforcing both comprehension and pronunciation skills.


5. **Survey on Restaurant Habits (7 minutes):**

Conclude the lesson with a dynamic activity where students answer and discuss survey questions related to restaurant habits, likes, and dislikes. Conduct this task in breakout rooms to facilitate group discussions. Encourage students to share their diverse perspectives upon returning to the main room, fostering cultural awareness and language exchange.


The “Culinary Exploration” lesson not only sharpens reading skills but also immerses students in the vibrant world of Maltese cuisine, creating an interactive and memorable language-learning experience.

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