South Africa – Our Land

South Africa: We live in a great country! I mean, who can live without biltong, mielie pap, curry, or a lekker weekend braai?! Where else can you find such diversity of culture and incredible beaches and landscapes? Not to mention all the exquisite fauna and flora. We have it all and that’s why it is such a popular tourist destination.
It is so important to instil in our children a love and respect for our land and her people. We are certainly not short of things to love and boast about so why not ask your learners what they love about SA and make a big brag poster for your wall to remind you all of the greatness of our country.
Browse through the resources below that are all aimed at creating fun and engaging lessons in which we enjoy South Africa.
Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika! God bless Africa!

The Rainbow Series - Our Rainbow Nation in Colour
This manual is compiled as an aid to be used in pre-schools as well as in primary schools. Seven languages were used to teach our rainbow kids in their mother tongue. Also to be used to teach multilingualism – thus to bring our children closer together. Use this manual to broaden the child’s vocabulary with visual stimulation, creating a consciousness of each other

A Heritage Trail through the Provinces of South Africa - Grade 5 - Term 4 History
Notes made in the form of a Cloze procedure with activities which cover the whole of Term 4 History (CAPS) Contains 17 pages of notes for the student and a separate booklet of 17 pages for the teacher. Shop with Sarah - Teaching Resources The package also includes a powerpoint to assist in filling in the notes and has the answers for the activities included.

Die uniekheid van Suid Afrikaanse kulture
Kulturele ervaringe in die Weskaap – om leerders bewus te maak van die verskillende kultuurgroepe en hulle waardes en tradisies te verstaan. Die les bevat 'n PowerPoint les en ook 'n PDF dokument van die les wat as 'n uitdeelstuk gebruik kan word vir die leerders.