
This content is the intellectual property of Annelize Muller and cannot be sold by another person.

Resource Description

This worksheet consists of comprehension and language questions suitable for grade 9 FAL learners.

The reading passage and the memorandum are also available.

The worksheet tests the following:

The comprehension type questions test the learner’s vocabulary, understanding of the content of the passage, its source, style and purpose as well as identifying fact and opinion. The learner is also asked to differentiate between formal and informal language as well as literal and figurative language usage.

The language type questions test: question tags, question formation, using the correct tense, degrees of comparison, concord, identifying the root word and prefix, identify the purpose of the hyphen, spelling (British vs American spelling), identifying types of abbreviations, pronouns (“who” vs “whom”), identifying parts of speech, the function of the apostrophe, using conjunctions, identifying types of verbs, antonyms, synonym, change active to passive and passive to active voice, paronym, polyseme, changing a sentence from negative into positive, homophones, words often confused, plural form of the word and when to use “s” or “c”, “f” or “v” in the spelling of a word.

This document is available in PDF format.

The comprehension reading passage and memorandum is also available on this seller’s page.

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